Course Content
Week 0 – Course preparation (DAY 1-4)
This marks the first week of an interesting journey to learn and appreciate online tutoring and facilitation. You are required to register, login, and enroll in the course accordingly. A simple platform interface guide will be emailed to all participants. You can also find and download the platform guide on the 'resources' section of the course. Each participant should be able to have logged in by the third day from when they get their login credentials. Feel free to ask questions using the 'Q&A' section if you need any assistance. The course facilitators should be able to assist you accordingly. Please go through the course instructions and expectations keenly to ensure that you complete the activities as required.
Week 1 – Checking in / Ice breaking.
Let's get started. This is a week for exploring what it is like for a participant joining an online course. You'll get to explore the course website and to learn about the course participants and your own goals.
Week 2 – Conversing
We arrived as individuals. In Week 2 we learn a bit more about each other and consider what we need to work well together as a group. Is there a shared purpose for our participation in this course? What agreements do we need to make about how we work together?
Week 3 – Facilitating
This week we will focus on and practice some of the key skills and strategies of online facilitation.
Week 4 – Developing
The activities for this week start with a focus on the challenges of growing trust and connection in community. Towards the end of the week we shift focus to the design of an activity for one of our courses or learning communities.
Week 5 – Applying
In the last week of the course we prepare to take our perspectives, skills and new development goals home to our courses and learning communities. We also have an opportunity to step beyond the course website to explore other resources and networks before we say goodbye to each other and the course.
Course evaluation
Certified Online Learning Facilitator
    About Lesson

    Registration and login to myVarsity global online learning platform.

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