Frequently Asked Questions

Do you wish to get started on your online training but have unaswered questions? Check out our FAQs. Not seen what you are looking for? Then call our office on +254 726 611805, and we’ll help you get started with your training.

What is a typical myVarsity Course like?

myVarsity offers courses from different categories that you can learn to bolster your career advanced. The courses are designed to give you an edge equipping you with skills that not only make you efficient in your day-to-day work, but also an asset to your employer. A typical course will entail different lessons and topics, and it’s gamified to make maximize student engagement. In the course of your learning, you’ll encounter quizzes to assess your understanding of the course matter and in some occasions, a final exam. Each course comes with different levels of difficulty to enable you learn progressively throughout your studies.

How about the pricing?

At myVarsity, we’ve made effort to ensure that you get competitive pricing for every course that you’ll take. Generally, e-learning based training is significantly no affordable that class-based training.

But that’s not all, you also save big on ancilliary costs: transport costs, class material costs; you also get to save time used in commuting, can virtually study anywhere in the country without change of lifestyle.

Which Course Payment Methods does myVarsity support?

You can pay for your courses currently through PesaPal. PesaPal works with most popular mobile money transfer services like MPESA, AirtelMoney, Orange and so on; and it’s really easy to sign and use.

Other payment gateways like PayPal, Stripe, will be integrated in the near future for your convenience.

How long can I do an online course?

myVarsity courses are designed to be taken at your own pace and convenience. Meaning that you can learn unhurried and for as long as you want.

There are occasions however, when we offer courses with coupons and special discounts.

These offers are often time-bound and expire after a certain duration.

What if I fail my course?

Take heart. We encourage you to redo the course, meticulously taking every lesson, quiz and assignment and are confident that you’ll be able to succeed in your learning. You should also take advantage of the Learner’s Forum to interact directly with other learners pursuing your course, and respective tutors to exchange ideas and gain a better grasp of the subject matter in an interactive, social enviornment.

Do you offer certification after course completion?

Sure. myVarsity will send you a print-ready certificate with the every successful learning path completion.

We also have the capacity to provide a link with your new qualifications (virtual certifcates) that can be sent to your current/potential employer or HR department if you so with to update your status.